Sunday, October 25, 2009

Career choice

I had a moment just now, just thinking of what degree to take up once I finish my Foundation Studies.

I kinda narrowed things down to Biotech, Food Tech and Med Lab Science. All of that, here at Massey, Palmy. But I was reminded that I'm not limited to doing my tertiary studies in this 'Student City' as I can venture elsewhere and study at other universities as well. When that thought crossed my mind, a rush of feelings went through
me. Honestly, I'll be really sad to leave this place, if I had to. NS has shown me that (approx.) 3 months is good enough for me to get to know people and build relationships. I think the same thing has sort of occurred to me here in Palmy.

I cannot imagine having to leave this place at this moment of time. I should surrender myself and my worries about my future to God. He knows and has a plan for me, which as human, I'm constantly searching for.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

I love this verse.

Random picture: My bible study group ♥. Ooh, I look good in there. Haha.

Anyway, back to career choice. At times I think to myself, "I should have just applied for medicine for JPA." But as some of you may have known, I applied for Pharmacy and I didn't get the scholarship. I'm not saying I'd get the scholarship if I applied for Medicine in the first place. Just a question. What was stopping me then? It was just me, me, me. I didn't want to spend years and years studying. That's why I scrapped out medicine from my list, because it takes a long time and probably the whole of my 20s!

I have at least 6 months to think about this issue: What degree?
It's a pretty difficult and critical decision to make. Hmm. I should be grateful to have time to think about it. Hmm hmm.

At the end of the day, the thing that makes my heart smile (Yes, my heart smiles) even though my day hasn't been going as well as I've wanted it to be, is to know that my Father is the room and He's there for me. I've always tried to picture myself giving Him a really big hug and taking a walk with Him, hand-in-hand. Oh, so nice :) *my heart is smiling*

Sidenote: 26th October is Labour Day. I think it's every 4th Monday of October. That makes 2 Labour Days for me in 2009. It's said that ALL stores will be closed.

'till next time. Cheers :)

I'm looking for a part-time job.