Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm a movie geek, not really.

The 2009 school term started yesterday and what a day it was, eh? Haha. Not that I would know.. It felt a little weird waking up late and staying home on a school day. However, I like it so no complaints here :) 

I still haven't decided on my higher education yet but the day will come soon, I hope. I guess I'll just be at home watching tv, going online, playing piano, eat, sleep, etc at the moment. CNY is in like 3 weeks and my brother will be back pretty soon. The atmosphere in my house is gonna change and lets hope it's a good one. Haha. 

I had a two-movie marathon yesterday afternoon. I finished watching Schindler's List. It's a 1993 movie and I watched it 16 years later. Wow, Steven Spielberg must have been pretty young then. Haha. The movie is 3 hours++ long, man. my bumbum =P It's a movie about the Holocaust and it's in black and white. The only colour you get is one little girl's red dress (she only appears for about a total of 1 minute or less throughout the entire movie) and at the very end of the movie.

Image from Flickr

From Yahoo! Movies: The true story of Austrian industrialist Oskar Schindler, who harbored Polish Jews during WWII by using them as workers in his factory. Schindler saved 1,100 Jews from certain death... For the synopsis, click here.

Oskar Schindler was a member of the Nazi party, by the way. It's a very interesting and touching story. There's one thing though.. ah never mind. Haha. 

I also watched Music and Lyrics. The song Way Back Into Love is catchy now it's stuck in my head and I've found the manuscript online which is now on my desktop =)  *cues music and shakes hips* om shanti shanti... my Buddha's delight.. HAHAHA. That was weird and funny at the same time. I bet Azrin will shit in her pants when she hears Cora Corman's 'spiced up' version of Way Back Into Love. Haha. 

Image from Yahoo! Movies

Next movie... ATONEMENT! Bring on the Brit accent babeh. =D

Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.
Quote from Schindler's List


Unknown said...

hey~ i did heard her version..way back into looove~..
haha..she was all like "i wanna dance!"..
oi, von..miss ya!

Amelia Yvonne said...

Hey Azrin!!! or shall I say, 'ma beeyotch'. haha. I miss you too!!
She was like "way back into love *moans*.. " Lol.