Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kids say the darndest things

Have you ever watched that show? Those kids are entertaining...

For those of you who still don't know (yet), I joined the school choir. And I'm also doing part-time teaching at Classic Music Conservatory, violin for beginners. I teach mostly kids. Well, actually they're all kids, below the age of 10, I think. Those kids I teach, they're very active. Each of them are like.. you know when you hit a ping-pong ball very hard, so confident that it'll make it over the net but it misses the table and drops on the floor, bounces up and down and it's pretty hard to catch? Yeah.. haha. Well, I was surprised by some words that came out of their mouths.

There's this Korean boy, Of course his mother tongue is the Korean language but he speaks English to me. He knows some BM, Chinese and Hokkien. He knows simple BM words like ayam, cacing, etc.. Chinese: Wo ta ni pi ku. Wo ta ni pi ku. Haha. He didn't say it with the correct pinyin so it sounded a little funny. Hokkien: Kukuciao O.o!! Pang sai x.x Haha. He loves Adidas. There's one girl who said to me, "My mommy let me wear sexy shirt today.." So cute. 'Sexy' means fancy and no sleeves lah.

Then, another girl.

Girl: Teacher, touch my *pats her I-don't-wanna-say part down there*.

I gave the 'WHAT?! NO WAY. EWW.' look. I guess she was just .. trying to get me to play with her. I'm 'young' and easy for them to manipulate, so they think. One day, I was talking to a friend of mine, Joanne who was also teaching part-time at CMC and the girl said, "Teacher, that is your boyfriend. You kiss her and marry her. *giggles, giggles*." I was like, 'Noh...?!' Haha. -.-"

Yesterday, was sticker mania for two of my students (they're siblings). I promised to bring stickers for them yesterday so I kinds made a deal with them. (I gave all my students stickers yesterday. I'm ADIL. haha)

"Teacher give you sticker, you guai guai today arh.." I said that in Mandarin, believe it or not? Haha. For those of you who know me, you know that I don't know much Mandarin and I'm a little bit 'banana' but the words in my Mandarin vocabulary is enough for me to survive. However, I dare say that my Mandarin has improved ever since I sat next to Joan in class, with mostly students who study Bahasa Cina sitting around me. I never fail to speak at least one, two, maybe 10 Mandarin words in a day. Haha. Okay, back to the sticker issue. Initially, I said they could have 2 stickers each otherwise 'no stock liao' you know. They were like 'Oh, oh'. Right.. Soon after, they asked for another one. Then they said they wanted to give one to their younger sister. So they took some more. I think they took like 5 each. I said 'no more, next time.' They even asked me to write their names on the stickers they want, got 'booking' want arh.. The boy asked if I had Doraemon stickers, I only had Hello Kitty, Pokemon (or pukekmon.. haha), Winnie the Pooh and Minnie Mouse.. Haha. My mom bought them. Thanks mom :D

Another girl, the eldest girl among my students. I don't know if it's her hobby or something, she seems to love to talk gibberish. She would just Blarh blarh blarh I tell you. I won't understand a single word in her 'modified' sentence. She even wrote me this:

If you can't read it, it says: Alititi kissed your PIKU the whole night. BYE-BYE.

She says that 'Alititi' is my boyfriend. Oh-kay... Then, another one.

It reads: Poor fellow, you and Alititi kissed the whole night, Ha Ha! You little 'hie ma' girl (she was trying to say 'hiaw ma'). You love Alititi!

Alititi? FYI, I do not know anyone by that name and I'm so single XP Haha.

Here's a vid. The little girl is really cute! Must watch! I wanna take her out from the laptop screen and put her into my pocket.

Isn't she adorable? She loves Dora the Explorer. haha.


When dealing with children, one needs patience, a lot of patience.


~MiSeLoCiN~ said...

hahaha.. so how old are you anyway? kids are super cute.. try teaching and being around kids that are hyper active when you teach them martial arts!

Amelia Yvonne said...

i'm turning 17. you teach martial arts? :P martial arts=discipline. haha. so i guess those kids are disciplined?.. not? haha.

~MiSeLoCiN~ said...

once in a while they're like little devils.. hahah.. yea.. i'm in taekwon-do.. you?

Amelia Yvonne said...

Haha. "angels in devils' skins". Ooh taekwon-do. I dare not mess with you then. Lol. Me, violin.

I don't learn any martial arts. To protect myself.. I'll just call you. haha.

~MiSeLoCiN~ said...

super lol.. i dun fight unless i have to.. but it's number one at kicking guy's balls.. *wen i get annoyed*

Amy said...

hehe Kids luv Yvonne.
At least you have enough commonsense not to give them sweets instead of stickers

And Hi Nicole!~

Amelia Yvonne said...

nicole: wowwwww.. then i'd really call you in times of trouble with boys! haha

amy: i dont think they love me.. haha. sweets make them even more active right? :P my stickers are running out. I wonder what will happen if one day i didnt bring any stickers. I bet they'll ignore me. haha.

~MiSeLoCiN~ said...

haha.. kids are super cute and super sweet at times.. easy back up plan..

keep some cute vids in ur phone *like the dog and the hippo one* and show it to them if u run out of ideas...

lol.. hey amy!

i will kick if only got a good reason le.. but it's really pain u know..u look at their faces.. haha.. most of the time is by accident.. lol.. *wink*

Amelia Yvonne said...

i wonder how they'll react when i show them happy tree friends. muahaha.