Friday, September 18, 2009

Spring Raya

I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. That's just intolerable! haha. This goes to show just how 'busy' I've been. By the way, it's SPRING! Winter's over! It's still cold though. Ahh, NZ.

Oh well. As usual, many things or events had occurred during my time here in The Land of the Long White Clouds, New Zealand. Last Saturday, I went to my friend's trial class for Body Combat. It was fun, man! Great workout. 10 tracks, more than an hour of jabbing, punching, elbows, knees, kicks, etc. Moreover, it was free :D I'm not a gym member yet so I can't go to the classes and use the gym anytime I want to. I can only use the courts for badminton and so on..

Raya's coming very very soon aye? I kid you not, I miss Raya cakes and cookies :/ ...but I've already put on weight so I can just forget about them. haha. Otherwise I'll have to purchase to seats on the plane when I fly back :P Last year's Raya is still fresh in my mind. I miss home.

I'm also trying to learn more about God. Slowly, taking small steps everytime and each step that I take will push me forward, into the right direction of course, hopefully. Today's study was about Wisdom and we discussed how wisdom and knowledge are two different things which at often times, we assume it's somehow similar to each other; that both touch on learning. Well, knowledge is basically something that we can obtain by reading, it's simply 'head knowledge'. We can memorise it, use it to answer questions but not know how to apply it in life whereas wisdom is acquired from an external source, e.g. God, experience. Wisdom is seen as something much greater than knowledge, to me. Ahh, I still need time to disect and digest this topic and with wisdom, I shall be able to understand it better :)

Neece sent me something. So sweeeeeeeeeet she caused my diabetes and obesity. Don't know to be happy or sad here. haha. I love my Will. Ngaiti, that totally 'washed my eyes clean clean clear clear' man. LMAO ah. I'm wearing the jandals now (yeah, in the house on carpeted floor), trying to make them stretch, flexible and bigger. :D Thank you so much *hearts*

I'm not posting up any pictures now due to inconvenience of Bluetooth-ing 'em photos from my lovely phone (and laziness). I've got new photos up on my Facebook though. Go check them out. Patience, good stuff takes time to be produced. My camera battery is being charged now because there's Sakura Festival on Saturday and I hope I can snap photos to share with you guys and because I feel like giving my phone a break from taking photos.

Till next time, cheers :)


Emmanuel's gonna fly next week. Jia you!